By John Bowen, 2 May, 2008

A favorite way for the kids to pass time in the car on long trips is to watch movies. I've thought for a while it would be better to have their DVD collection on a laptop's hard drive, instead of needing their disc folder (which always seems to end up on the floor of the car, anyway).

By John Bowen, 29 April, 2008

I can never remember how to add users to Postfix, mostly because I don't have to do it often enough to commit it to memory. Here it is...hopefully I can remember where I wrote it down next time...

These instructions assume a new user named 'new_user'. Credit to falko and his post on howtoforge for part of this code.

By John Bowen, 27 April, 2008

I had an ASP.NET form, where I wanted a quick Javascript function to un-check a CheckBox if the user changed the selection in a related DropDownList. Restated, I wanted any change in the DropDownList's selected item to clear the CheckBox. The user could then (if needed) re-check the CheckBox once they're done selecting from the DropDownList.

Adding the javascript onchange() event to the DropDownList's attributes from the ASP.NET class file turned out to be the easy part. In Page_Load():

this.ddTeams.Attributes.Add("onChange", "uncheckbox()")

By John Bowen, 27 April, 2008

Even though I've been using Firefox as my primary browser for months now, I still haven't spent much time checking some of my old (but production) code for compatibility. After taking a quick look, I can't believe customers haven't complained...

In that context, I noticed that Firefox doesn't respect the 'width' setting for the ASP.NET TextBox control. IE handles this just fine, but FireFox (and probably other browsers) just stick with the 'default' TextBox width, which is often too long/wide.

By John Bowen, 26 April, 2008

The big news this week in our area is a forest fire that broke out Thursday (4/24) around 3-4pm just south of Grayling, along I-75 just north of 4 Mile Road (Exit 251). Helped by high winds and extremely dry conditions, the fire spread north and west, along the west side of the city of Grayling, burning off some 1,100 acres of woodlands and 6 structures. A significant number of businesses and homes in Grayling were evacuated ahead of the flames...

Apparently, the fire was finally contained when it slowed down at the swamp directly west of town, around 11pm.

By John Bowen, 7 April, 2008

While trying to test a web site on a local (development) machine, I ran into this error from ASP.NET:

unexpected error 0x8ffe2740 occurred

Simple dialog, "OK" button is the only option.

I found this blog post, where Lorin Thwaits suggests that some other program is already controlling port 80, and then gives an easy way to find the culprit and kill it.

By John Bowen, 7 April, 2008

I found a few great addons for Firefox. They aren't new, just new to me, and already they're helping me with one of my weakest web development points...css.

By John Bowen, 25 March, 2008

For several months, by Ubuntu server has complained every time I do an apt-get upgrade, with the following message:

dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `[package name]' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed

There were easily a hundred packages that listed this way, and I couldn't figure out how to resolve it. Today, I ran across this post on the Ubuntu forums, which suggested the following command:

sudo dpkg --clear-avail

By John Bowen, 22 March, 2008

I thought I had a handle on setting up virtual hosts in Apache, but it looks like I knocked this site off the web for several days after reconfiguring my Subversion virtual host...oops. Back to the web to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

By John Bowen, 9 March, 2008

Recently, a client's custom-built computer (submitted for service work) caught my attention. It was obviously a custom-built machine, as there were no name brand tags glued to the case's front; but something else made me think it might not be a finely-tuned commercial production...